The importance of scoutizzazione

During the meetings with coaches (especially those with less experience) often we discussed about the real importance of scoutizzazione and video shooting even in smaller firms with few resources.

The lack of such work comes surely to cause real difficulties as:

  • the limited time available (the primary work of those trains “absorbs” good part of the day leaving little space for the training program)
  • the logistics of the gym (often devoid of grandstands on all sides of the plant, many times there are baskets and other bulky equipment, difficulty in having electric current in the place chosen for the resumption, etc…)
  • the cost of equipment (camera, easel, extensions, …)

Despite these difficulties strongly I recommend you try to use a technical recovery during the games and / or training because this is especially useful for the selection and management of training exercises.

Positioning the camera ideal for shooting technique

E’ propose fundamental exercises with attainable goals by athletes but, at the same time, contain a degree of difficulty such as to require concentration and commitment to the success of the same year. For example, the choice to perform 7 receipts “good” its 10 may spring from the fact that the athlete (in media) able to back them 6; with this aim the exercise will workout because the target is slightly higher than the athlete he is able to do on average. If the target was 9 shots “good” its 10 presence was probably the athlete to reach very rarely riucirà (with a consequent strong frustration), while if it were 4 its 10 probably it is able to perform the exercise without obligation.

To then calibrate the objectives in the best way for each athlete (and overall for the team) must have a “database” what athletes can do, especially when they are under pressure (typically in the game). For this reason it becomes very importarte scoutizzare matches and / or training.

A data recovery plays an equally important role, especially in the learning phase. To correct a technical act or to focus attention on a particular game situation the immediacy of the movie has no equal. When we correct the movements of the athletes we have to keep in mind that these are absolutely convinced that you have performed the act in the best way possible. and it is often difficult to make them change their opinion. Rather than lose tens of minutes to explain and simulate the act poorly executed is much easier to see the athlete himself while performing the exercise; in this way will he understand the mistakes and try to improve solutions.

The optimum recovery is achieved by placing the camera in the middle of the short side of the field at a height of about 3 meters from the ground. But this is not always possible in gyms (especially school); But this can not be an excuse not to take a workout or a game. A technique picked up by a non-optimal angle is however a step forward compared to not having anything, and will still get a large amount of information.

For these reasons more coaches urge to exploit all possible synergies they have available. If you do not have a video camera (now there are at very competitive prices) surely a manager, or a parent of some of the athletes will be able to put an available, and perhaps he will be happy to do it to feel “useful to the cause”. Also Dedicate ten minutes a day (You do not need many) to review an exercise, or part of a consignment is useful to find errors or areas for improvement in athletes but also, and especially, as a self-evaluation of its work in the gym.
